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Format: 26 x17,50 cm
The depicted St. Julian's Hospital (or guesthouse) was a charitable institution believed to have been founded around 1290 by the Filles-Dieu of Arras. Initially, it provided shelter for poor travelers and pilgrims. During the 14th century, the institution was expanded with a chapel and a sickroom. Around 1600, the function of the guesthouse changed to that of a lunatic asylum, and St. Julian's became responsible for foundlings and the mentally ill. The care of the mentally ill was funded by the city. After the French Revolution, the institution came under the supervision of the then Commission of Civil Godshuizen. In 1842, a new sister congregation was established by Canon Petrus Maes to take care of the mentally ill. When the sisters moved to a new facility for women in Sint-Michiels, St. Julian's continued to be managed by the Brothers of Charity from Ghent until 1930, when it was unfortunately demolished. In its place, the Free Vocational School, later known as the Free Technical Institute (VTI), was established. (Source: City of Bruges archives)