

Ostend Van den Abeele - Ronon Coal Merchant

Discover a beautiful piece of Ostend history with this unique porcelain card, printed by Daveluy, the royal lithographer from Bruges. At the center of the card is an elegant cartouche featuring the text "Marchand de Charbons, Rue Archiducesse 23, Ostende", spread over three lines, indicating a coal merchant located at this address. Above the cartouche, the name "L. Van den Abeele-Ronon" is displayed in graceful letters, adding a personal touch to the card. On either side of the cartouche, fine drawings are visible: on one side, a scale, and on the other, figures loading bags onto a horse and cart, illustrating the bustle of trade. Notably, on the right side of the card is a Caduceus, the classic symbol of trade and commerce. This card is printed in a harmonious combination of blue, gold, and grey, giving it a striking appearance. The card measures approximately 14.3 by 10.8 cm and is in very good condition. We emphasize the importance of carefully reviewing the photos before purchase to get a good impression of the card.

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