

New Years wishes Zoologie

New Year's Card


This is a gorgeous and finely executed lithograph, printed on a porcelain card. The lithographer was Joseph Ratinckx from Antwerp. Three animals are depicted at the bottom of the card: a giraffe, llama, and sloth. In the middle, the text reads: "Monsieur, Le Concierge & le Commissionnaire de la Société, saissisent l'occasion de la Nouvelle Année Sociale pour vous offrir l'expression de leurs voeux bien sincères pour votre bonheur, votre santé, et une prospérité durable dans vos affaires."


"Sir, The Concierge & the Commissioner of the Society take the opportunity of the New Social Year to offer you the sincere expression of their wishes for your happiness, your health, and lasting prosperity in your affairs."

Around this text is a cartouche with an angel on the top left and top right, each holding a vine in one hand and a sort of drapery in the other. On these draperies, a bird (parrot?) is perched on each side. At the other end of the vines, we find the same birds again.

What's peculiar about this card is the absence of a year mentioned. We can assume that this card was printed in the period 1840-1858. This period corresponds to the time when the printing house was located at Sint-Katelijnevest 293 in Antwerp. This is the address printed on this beautiful tricolored greeting card.

1 Items

Size: Approximately 17 x 10.70 cm

Porcelain card on one side. With print in blue, ochre, and black colors.

The back of this card is "regular" paper.