

1861 Société Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers

New Year's Card - Lithography

Date: 1861

Beautiful New Year's card in three colors (blue, white, and ochre) with black lithography. The giver was the Royal Society of Zoology in Antwerp, and the recipients were the members of this association.

In the illustration, we can see various animals including zebras, red deer, wildebeests, and mountain goats.

1 Items

Dimensions: Approximately 23.50 x 18 cm

Text: "Le Commissionnaire, le concierge & les Domestiques de la Société Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers, à Messieurs les membres à l'occasion de la nouvelle année Sociale 1861."

Translation: "The Commissioner, the concierge & the Servants of the Royal Society of Zoology in Antwerp, to the gentlemen members on the occasion of the new social year 1861."

Lithographer: Joseph Ratinckx, Antwerp