

1866 Société Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers

New Year's Card - Lithography

Date: 1866

Beautiful New Year's card from the Antwerp Zoo for the year 1866. Intended for its members.

The subject for the lithograph is the new enclosure for the mouflons, the mountain animals. It was a ruined landscape designed by architect Charles Servais (1828-1892).

This lithograph was drawn by Charles 't Felt (1839-1905).

1 Items

Dimensions: + 2,50 x 21,50 cm

Text: "Le Commissionnaire, le concierge & les Domestiques de la Société Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers, à Messieurs les membres à l'occasion de la nouvelle année Sociale 1866." 

Loosely translated: "The Commissioner, the concierge & the Servants of the Royal Society of Zoology of Antwerp, to the gentlemen members on the occasion of the new social year 1866."

Small tear on the lower left side of the card.

Lithographer: Charles 't Felt

Printer: S. Mayer